Couples who are contemplating marriage should contact the Rectory as soon as possible to plan their wedding and arrange for the instructions before marriage (Pre-Cana.) We will do everything we can to help you and make your celebration beautiful and memorable.
FOCCUS (Facilitating Open Couple Communication, Understanding & Study)
FOCCUS is an inventory tool that helps couples preparing for the sacrament of Matrimony to discern potential views and areas of dissension that may need further discussion. This inventory seeks to help these couples come to greater communication and understanding before they begin their married life together. Trained volunteers meet and discuss with the couple the results of their FOCCUS inventory and help them to use those results to prepare for the Sacrament of Matrimony. Visit for more info.
Engaged Couples should contact one of the priests as soon as possible after their engagement to set up a Pre-Nuptial Interview (PNI), and to register for FOCCUS (a compatibility survey) and Pre-Cana.
St. Aidan’s Pre-Cana program works with those engaged couples who are entering into the Sacrament of marriage. During the Pre-Cana Marriage Preparation course, we will discuss many subjects that touch on Marriage, such as: The Choice to Love; Theology of Marriage; Children; Family of Origin; Finances; Spirituality; and Human Sexuality. It is our desire that you know as much as possible about that one special person who you will call husband or wife, and that you truly understand what Marriage is and the absolute commitment that you are about to enter. It is our hope to provide you with a solid footing and understanding so that you may truly begin to build a “Household of Faith” – your Married Life Together.
Call the Rectory at (516) 746-6585 x9101