Regular Registration Period: Registrations will begin on Tuesday, June 14th and continue throughout the summer as spaces remain available.
Tuition: Tuition payment is requested at the time of registration; however, if you are unable to submit the whole amount, partial payment will hold your children’s registrations. In such instances, please contact the Director within one (1) week of registration. Financial Hardship should NEVER stand in the way of children receiving Religious Instruction. Please contact the Director should you need further tuition assistance. All information will be kept strictly confidential.
Placement: Student placement will be on a first come, first served basis. While registering during Early Bird can increase the probabilities that you will receive your preferred day and time choices, there is no guarantee of that because of the high demand for placements. Parents cannot expect their children to be placed according to the schools they attend or with particular friends etc.
Teacher Preference: Catechists may have their own children in their classes if they so choose. All other class placements will be determined by the Religious Education Office. Please contact the Director if a child has a serious situation that may require special placement such as difficulties with particular children in school that can carry over to religion class etc.
Day/Time Preference: The registration form provides the parent an opportunity to indicate two choices for the day and time of class sessions.
Please list two choices on your form.
Car Pooling: If your child is part of a carpool, be sure to register at or close to the same time as the other members of the carpool to increase the probability that all children in the carpool can be placed in classes on the same day and at the same time. Carpool students are not necessarily placed in the same class. Please do not request such accommodations.
Allergies and Other Medical Conditions: The registration form includes questions about medical conditions and medications and/or allergies (including allergies to certain medications). This is to ensure the children’s safety during class time should any emergency care be required for any reason and you can’t be reached. If your child takes any medications, please list the name and the dosage on the Registration form. If your child will be carrying any type of medication such as an inhaler to class, a doctor’s note is required to be filed with the office.
** Note: If a child has been prescribed an Epi-pen (or equivalent), parents and the prescribing doctor must complete our FARE Emergency Care Plan annually.
The FARE Form is available on the Files-Forms page of the Faith Formation Website (
Other forms will NOT be accepted. All forms MUST be SIGNED AND STAMPED by the doctor and include a current picture of your child. Forms must be submitted BEFORE the first date of class. Forms will NOT be accepted on the first day of classes. YOUR CHILD MUST BRING HIS/HER EPI PEN TO RELIGION CLAS EVERY WEEK. The catechists check to be sure the Epi-Pens are here at every class session for our children’s safety.
Baptismal Certificates – A copy of each child’s Baptismal Certificates is required for all children registering for the first time in the program. Failing to provide the certificate can delay an initial registration placement. Baptismal certificates can be scanned and sent as an email attachment to [email protected] or faxed to (516)248-1491 or placed in the secure Drop box outside of the building.
Transfer Students – Students in 2nd grade or higher who are enrolling for the first time must provide a Letter of Transfer from their previous Religious Education Program stating attendance, grade completed, and sacramental history plus a Baptismal certificate.
Home Schooling – St. Aidan’s Religious Education Program is an in-person program. If there is an “extraordinary situation” and a child is in a non-sacramental grade, parents should contact the Director to discuss requesting homeschool for one school year. The Director must approve such requests.
Placement Changes – Involvement in other academic preparation classes, sports, clubs, and social activities are not reasons for change of placement at the beginning or during the school year. Once a registration is submitted, placement can only be changed before the school year starts by parents arranging a “switch” with another family with the approval of the office. Placements may not be “switched” once the school year begins.